Results for 'Christian De Ronde'

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  1. True happiness: The role of morality in the folk concept of happiness.Jonathan Phillips, Christian Mott, Julian De Freitas, June Gruber & Joshua Knobe - 2017 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 146 (2):165-181.
    Recent scientific research has settled on a purely descriptive definition of happiness that is focused solely on agents’ psychological states (high positive affect, low negative affect, high life satisfaction). In contrast to this understanding, recent research has suggested that the ordinary concept of happiness is also sensitive to the moral value of agents’ lives. Five studies systematically investigate and explain the impact of morality on ordinary assessments of happiness. Study 1 demonstrates that moral judgments influence assessments of happiness not only (...)
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  2. Research Habits in Financial Modelling: The Case of Non-normativity of Market Returns in the 1970s and the 1980s.Boudewijn De Bruin & Christian Walter - 2016 - In Ping Chen & Emiliano Ippoliti (eds.), Methods and Finance: A Unifying View on Finance, Mathematics and Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 73-93.
    In this chapter, one considers finance at its very foundations, namely, at the place where assumptions are being made about the ways to measure the two key ingredients of finance: risk and return. It is well known that returns for a large class of assets display a number of stylized facts that cannot be squared with the traditional views of 1960s financial economics (normality and continuity assumptions, i.e. Brownian representation of market dynamics). Despite the empirical counterevidence, normality and continuity assumptions (...)
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  3. CAUSALIDADE E INFERÊNCIA EM DAVID HUME E CHARLES SANDERS PEIRCE.Christian Emmanuel de Menezes Montenegro - 2015 - Dissertation, Puc-Sp, Brazil
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  4. Interview with Nathan Salmon.Nathan Salmon & Christian de León - 2018 - Colloquy 2018 (3):19-20.
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  5. Diario de un profesor en tiempos de crisis.Christian Romero-Rodríguez - 2020 - In Lucia Lobato (ed.), El covid no es un cuento. pp. 31 - 33.
    Cuento ganador en la categoría "Mini ficción" de la compilación "El covid no es un cuento".
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  6. (1 other version)Le partage du monde: Husserl et la constitution des animaux comme "autres moi".Christiane Bailey - 2013 - Chiasmi International: Trilingual Studies Concerning Merleau-Ponty’s Thought 15:219-250.
    Alors que les phénoménologues prétendent avoir dépassé le solipsisme, la plupart n’ont en fait que repousser les frontières de l’intersubjectivité des individus humains aux individus des autres espèces. Pourtant, Husserl reconnaît l’existence d’une intersubjectivité interspécifique, c’est-à-dire d’une intersubjectivité dépassant les limites de l’espèce. Il va même jusqu’à affirmer qu’on comprend parfois mieux un animal familier qu’un humain étranger. Toutefois, même s’il admet que plusieurs animaux sont capables d’une vie de conscience subjective et qu’ils vivent dans un monde de sens partagé, (...)
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  7. Problemas interpretativos de la definición estoica de representación cognitiva.Christian Pineda - 2024 - Nova Tellus 42 (1):63-91.
    Abstract: This paper aims to establish the problems of the Stoic concept of cognitive representation (καταληπτική φαντασία). So I intend to reconstruct the scholarly debate on this definition. For it, I state the debate around its two most conflictive terms: the participle ὑπάρχον and the preposition ἀπό. By analyzing the Stoic fragments in which these terms appear, I explore both textual and philosophical arguments in order to find the different senses of both. By doing so, my aim is highlighting the (...)
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  8. Die Funktion des Nichts in Meister Eckharts Metaphysik.Christian Jung - 2014 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 49:43-64.
    Nothingness plays an essential role throughout the work of Meister Eckhart. The function of this concept, however, changed during the development of his thought. Despite this change nothingness remains always associated with the theory of analogy which lies at the core of Eckhart's attempt to explain the radical difference between God and creation and the complete dependency of all being on its unitary and transcendent ground.
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  9. Erhabene Natur. Zur Übertragung des Begriffs des Erhabenen auf Gegenstände der ..Christian Begemann - 1984 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 58 (1):74-110.
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    Maß und Klang. Die Gestaltung des Tonraumes in der frühen abendländischen Mehrstimmigkeit.Christian Berger - 1998 - In Jan A. Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.), Raum und Raumvorstellungen im Mittelalter. De Gruyter. pp. 687-701.
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  11. The Relationship between Science and Christianity: Understanding the Conflict Thesis in Lay Christians.Helen De Cruz - 2024 - In Yujin Nagasawa & Mohammad Saleh Zarepour (eds.), Global Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion: From Religious Experience to the Afterlife. Oxford University Press USA.
    Excerpt (in lieu of abstract) My aim in this paper is to put the spotlight on the following questions: how do lay Christians understand the relation between science and religion, and what can this tell us about the relationship between science and Christianity in a more academic setting? My focus will be on lay Christians in the US, in particular White Evangelicals. I will argue that American lay Christians, as well as American laypeople more generally, view the relationship between science (...)
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  12. Pertenencia “específica” y modificabilidad de las maneras del ser.Christian Ivanoff-Sabogal - 2024 - Studia Heideggeriana 13 (1): 243-265.
    Este trabajo despliega la pertenencia “específica” o “más propia” de ciertas maneras del ser (p.e. existencia, ser-a-la-mano) a ciertos entes, tema que Heidegger menciona, pero no profundiza. La exposición se articula en cuatro pasos. Primero, se aclara la confusa con-ceptualidad de las maneras del ser. Segundo, se indaga el vínculo entre las maneras del ser y los entes, considerando a ambos como fenómenos y mostrando en ello la imposibilidad de captar este vínculo y la consecuente pertenencia específica según un “subjetivismo” (...)
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    El doble “subsuelo” ontologico de la interexistencialidad.Christian Ivanoff-Sabogal - 2024 - Letras (Peru) 95 (142):46-63.
    La meta de este trabajo estriba en sacar a la luz el subsuelo ontológico que sostiene el abordaje y el tratamiento de la interexistencialidad en el capítulo IV de la primera sección de Ser y Tiempo. Primero, esclarecemos conceptualmente las indicaciones sobre la cotidianidad y la “absorción” en el mundo que aparecen en la introducción general del capítulo mencionado, lo que despeja el camino para demostrar que la interexistencialidad de ninguna forma está enso-gada necesariamente con la impropiedad. Segundo, mostramos que (...)
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  14. Paraconsistencia y fundamentación de las matemáticas.Christian Romero-Rodríguez - 2016 - In Olga Lucía Gómez & Jairo Isaac Racines (eds.), En los limites de la ciencia y la filosofía. Cali: Universidad del Valle. pp. 265-279.
    En "Paraconsistencia y fundamentación de las matemáticas" se reformula un aspecto del programa formalista de Hilbert, problema clásico dentro del panorama de la filosofía de las matemáticas. Lo anterior se hace desde un enfoque no clásico de la lógica, particularmente desde LP de Priest. Finalizando el articulo se rescatan las virtudes de la reformulación de este problema clásico y se evalúa hasta qué punto puede ser posible hablar del programa formalista desde la luz de la aritmética inconsistente de Priest.
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  15. Kant als Mystiker? Zur These von Carl Arnold Wilmans’ dissertatio philosophica.Christian Rößner - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (3):7-30.
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  16. Rechte des Körpers: Juristische, Philosophische Und Theologische Perspektiven.Michael Frey, Florian Priesemuth & Berger Christian (eds.) - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Der Band fragt nach der Rolle des Körpers im Recht. Vertreter:innen der Philosophie, Theologie und Rechtswissenschaft untersuchen ein vielseitiges und komplexes Spektrum an Fragen, die sich aus dem Verhältnis der Begriffe „Recht" und „Körper" ergeben. In welcher rechtlichen Gestalt tritt ein (menschliches) Rechtssubjekt als Körper auf? Wie wird seine Körperlichkeit vom Recht erfasst, geschützt und normativ bestimmt und gestaltet? Was unterscheidet aus einer rechtlichen Perspektive den menschlichen vom tierischen Körper? Kann der menschliche Körper als Eigentum verstanden werden oder gehorcht er (...)
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  17. Criterios de demarcación, pseudociencia y cientificidad en el derecho.Christian Escobar-Jiménez - 2018 - Cinta de Moebio 61:123-139.
    This article analyses the epistemic status of law and its presumption of being a science in relation with the so-called demarcation criterion proposed by different philosophers of science. Such criteria are the main analytical elements to differentiate scientific discourses from those who are not and the ones who pretend to be. In relation to those, pseudoscience and law are treated, to finally conclude with the exposition of the case of Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals, in which a judicial process defined (...)
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  18. Existential Quantifier, Logic and the Christian Trinitarian Monotheism: an investigation of a relationship between formal sciences and philosophy of religion.Paulo Júnio de Oliveira - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia da Religião 4 (2):134-151.
    This article discusses a relation between the formal science of logical semantics and some monotheistic, polytheistic and Trinitarian Christian notions. This relation appears in the use of the existential quantifier and of logical-modal notions when some monotheistic and polytheistic concepts and, principally, the concept of Trinity Dogma are analyzed. Thus, some presupposed modal notions will appear in some monotheistic propositions, such as the notion of “logically necessary”. From this, it will be shown how the term “God” is a polysemic (...)
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  19. Peter Singer est-il en faveur de l’élevage industriel ? La question du remplacement répugnant.Rodriguez Christian - 2019 - L'amorce.
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    Mechanism, Occasionalism and Final Causes in Johann Christoph Sturm’s Physics.Christian Henkel - 2021 - Early Science and Medicine 26 (4):314-340.
    This paper argues that mechanism, occasionalism and finality (the acceptance of final causes) can be and were de facto integrated into a coherent system of natural philosophy by Johann Christoph Sturm (1635–1703). Previous scholarship has left the relation between these three elements understudied. According to Sturm, mechanism, occasionalism and finality can count as explanatorily useful elements of natural philosophy, and they might go some way to dealing with the problem of living beings. Occasionalism, in particular, serves a unifying ground: It (...)
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  21. Las respuestas académicas a la objeción de apraxia.Christian F. Pineda-Pérez - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:221-42.
    En este artículo reconstruyo y analizo las respuestas de los escépticos académicos a la objeción de apraxia. Esta objeción afirma que el escepticismo es una doctrina imposible de practicar puesto que sus tesis conducen a la apraxia, esta es, un estado de privación o imposibilidad de acción. Las respuestas a la objeción se dividen en dos clases. La primera prueba que el asentimiento no es una condición necesaria para realizar acciones, por lo que la recomendación escéptica de suspender global y (...)
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  22. Comprensión del ser como factum de la analítica existencial del Dasein.Christian Ivanoff-Sabogal - 2021 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 26 (3):69-88.
    La comprensión preontológica del ser es un tema prominente en torno al cual giran constelaciones esenciales de problemas y fenómenos en Ser y Tiempo, al revelarse como el óptimo punto de partida que sostiene a la analítica existencial del Dasein en el horizonte más amplio de la ontología fundamental. Esta investigación atestigua que es el factum inicial fundamental plenamente mostrado y acreditado por Heidegger. Para esta tarea se destaca su despliegue desde su carácter vago y promedio hacia la trascendencia a (...)
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  23. Nietzsche's Revaluation of Christianity: Contradiction or Paradox?Rogério Miranda de Almeida - 2014 - Avello Publishing Journal 4 (1).
    To try to understand Nietzsche’s conception of Christianity is to try to understand his conception of morality, or to try to analyze, dissect, and diagnose the forces and the relation of forces that underly it, or permeate it. These forces characterize not only the reality as Nietzsche considers it, but also the dynamic of his own writing, thought, and perspective. This is the reason why we can affirm that Nietzsche’s thought and writing are essentially, intrinsically, paradoxical. Indeed, the Nietzschean text (...)
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  24. La reconnaissance entre échange, pouvoirs et institutions. Le républicanisme de Philip Pettit.Christian Lazerri - 2009 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 4 (2):81-102.
    Cet article propose une lecture critique de l’approche néorépublicaine de la reconnaissance et du projet d’une économie de l’estime, développé par Ph. Pettit et G. Brennan. Il vise à montrer en quoi la conception de la reconnaissance qui est celle de ce dernier est trop étroite, dans la mesure où elle va de pair avec une analyse insuffisante des conditions de la visibilité sociale des performances et capacités des agents, ainsi que de la manière dont les luttes de reconnaissance peuvent (...)
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  26. Bunge y la validez de la adición.Estrada-González Luis & Romero-Rodríguez Christian - 2022 - In German Guerrero-Pino (ed.), Ciencia, Realismo y materialismo. Universidad del Valle. pp. 191-202.
    En The paradox of Addition and its dissolution (1969), Mario Bunge presenta algunos argumentos para mostrar que la Regla de Adición puede ocasionar paradojas o problemas semánticos. Posteriormente, Margáin (1972) y Robles (1976) mostraron que las afirmaciones de Bunge son insostenibles, al menos desde el punto de vista de la lógica clásica. Aunque estamos de acuerdo con las críticas de Margáin y Robles, no estamos de acuerdo en el diagnóstico del origen del problema y tampoco con la manera en la (...)
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  27. Morality's Place: Kierkegaard and Frankfurt.Christian Piller - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (2/4):1207 - 1219.
    The aim of this paper is to look at Søren Kierkegaard's defence of an ethical way of life in the light of Harry Frankfurt's work. There are salient general similarities connecting Kierkegaard and Frankfurt: Both are sceptical towards the Kantian idea of founding morality in the laws of practical reason. They both deny that the concerns, which shape our lives, could simply be validated by subject-independent values. Furthermore, and most importantly, they both emphasize the importance of reflective endorsement of one's (...)
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  28. Volker Dieringer. Kant’s Solution to the Problem of Theodicy. A Reconstruction. [Kants Lösung des Theodizeeproblems. Eine Rekonstruktion.] Frommann-Holzboog, 2009. [REVIEW]Christian Hengstermann - 2010 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2 (1):209--214.
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  29. Aesthetics and Morality in Kant and Confucius. A Second Step.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2010 - In Stephen Palmquist (ed.), Cultivating Personhood: Kant and Asian Philosophy. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 321-332.
    In the framework of his transcendental philosophy, Kant strictly separates morality from aesthetics. The pleasure in the good and the pleasure in the beautiful are two different kinds of pleasure (Arten des Wohlgefallens). As a consequence, a moral act as such cannot be beautiful. It is only in a second step that Kant indicates possible connections, in his comments on aesthetic ideas, symbolism, the sensus communis, and education in general. In Confucius on the other hand we do not find such (...)
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  30. Who owns it? Three arguments for land claims in Latin America.Christian Barry & Gerhard Øverland - 2017 - Revista de Ciencia Politica 37 (3):713-736.
    Indigenous and non-indigenous communities in Latin America make land claims and support them with a variety of arguments. Some, such as Zapatistas and the Mapuche, have appealed to the “ancestral” or “historical” connections between specific communities and the land. Other groups, such as MST in Brazil, have appealed to the extremely unequal distribution of the land and the effects of this on the poor; the land in this case is seen mainly as a means for securing a decent standard of (...)
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  31. Statistischer Anhang zu "Deutscher Empirismus".Christian Damböck - manuscript
    Die hier zusammengefassten statistischen Daten waren ursprünglich als Teil meiner Habilitationsschrift "〈Deutscher Empirismus〉. Studien zur Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1830-1930" (erscheint 2016 oder 2017 bei Springer) gedacht. In der Endfassung des Manuskripts wurden diese Daten jedoch nicht mehr im Detail aufgenommen, weil sich herausgestellt hat, dass eine plausible Interpretation dieses Materials den Rahmen meiner Arbeit bei weitem sprengen und umfangreiche zusätzliche Recherchen erfordern würde. Dieses Dokument versteht sich als Skizze zu einer in Zukunft noch zu schreibenden Arbeit zur Universitätsstatistik und (...)
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  32. Musik nach Kant.Christian Berger - 2006 - In Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht, Michael Beiche & Albrecht Riethmüller (eds.), Musik--zu Begriff und Konzepten: Berliner Symposion zum Andenken an Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht. [Stuttgart]: Franz Steiner. pp. 31-41.
    Kants Musikästhetik wird weithin unterschätzt. Dabei bietet sie die entscheidenden Ansätze zur Befreiung der Musik aus den Fängen der Nachahmungsästhetik, wie sie vor allem E.T.A.Hoffman kongenial umgesetzt hat.
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  33. Brentano und Kleist vor Friedrichs Mönch am Meer Aspekte eines Umbruchs in der Geschichte der Wahrnehmung.Christian Begemann - 1990 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 64 (1):54-95.
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  34. Believing in Dawkins: The New Spiritual Atheism. By Eric Steinhart. [REVIEW]Helen De Cruz - forthcoming - Journal of the American Academy of Religion.
    (in lieu of abstract, first paragraphs here) For philosophers, reading Richard Dawkins is often a frustrating experience. Many of Dawkins’ writings treat important philosophical topics, such as the existence of God, the meaning of life, the relationship of randomness to order. Dawkins has original ideas, but he lacks the philosophical training and vocabulary to articulate these ideas properly and to develop them coherently. In Believing in Dawkins, Eric Steinhart sets himself an ambitious task: to use the writings of Dawkins to (...)
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  35. De Angelis, V. (2015). The Challenge of Faith.Viviana De Angelis - 2015 - Media Education – Studi, Ricerche e Buone Pratiche:285-293.
    Against the background of revolutionary digital technologies, mobile learning and the crisis of conventional paradigms in mass societies, the present study shows how innovative and multidisciplinary research capable of both observing and interpreting reality as well as consolidating a pedagogical model open to intercultural dialogue with faith and ethics will allow different cultures to re-appropriate the scientific, pedagogic, ethical and linguistic methodologies necessary for the formation of the ‘human being’. The post-modern condition of the ‘liquid society’, where only transient values (...)
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  36. Buddhismus und Quantenphysik: die Wirklichkeitsbegriffe Nāgārjunas und der Quantenphsyik [i.e. Quantenphysik].Christian Thomas Kohl - 2005 - Aitrang: Windpferd.
    1.Summary The key terms. 1. Key term: ‘Sunyata’. Nagarjuna is known in the history of Buddhism mainly by his keyword ‘sunyata’. This word is translated into English by the word ‘emptiness’. The translation and the traditional interpretations create the impression that Nagarjuna declares the objects as empty or illusionary or not real or not existing. What is the assertion and concrete statement made by this interpretation? That nothing can be found, that there is nothing, that nothing exists? Was Nagarjuna denying (...)
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  37. Wagner und Hanslick. Kurze Geschichte einer Feindschaft.Christian Jung - 2012 - Österreichische Musikzeitschrift 67 (6):14-21.
    The controversy between Richard Wagner and his critic Eduard Hanslick is well known, but rarely looked at in detail. It is mostly believed that Hanslick was unable to see Wagner's genius, stuck deeply in an antiquated aesthetical world. By reassessing Wagner's and Hanslick's letters and publications it can be seen, however, that Hanslick's detailed criticism (and also appreciation) was much more objective and less spiteful than is often assumed.
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  38. Kann aus dem Urteil über das Angenehme ein Geschmacksurteil ähnlich wie aus dem Wahrnehmungsurteil ein Erfahrungsurteil werden? (Can a Judgment About the Agreeable Become a Judgment of Taste, As a Judgment of Perception Can Become a Judgment of Experience?).Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung. Akten des IX. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. 3. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 468-476.
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  39. La problemática metodológica del fenómeno «inicial y regularmente» en la ontología-fundamental.Christian Ivanoff Sabogal - 2025 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 94 (94):129–144.
    El artículo se ocupa con la problemática metodológica referida al concepto ambiguo del «inicial y regularmente» en la ontología-fundamental de Heidegger. Por un lado, indica que el Dasein existe «inicial y regularmente» en su desempeño preteorético; por otro lado, que el Dasein existe «inicial y regularmente» en la impropiedad. En esta investigación se expondrá la imposibilidad metodológica de mostrar y acreditar hermenéutico-fenomenológicamente que el Dasein por lo general se desempeña impropiamente, primero porque implicaría una colocación acrítica ingenua en el punto (...)
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  40. The Cost of Discarding Intuition – Russell’s Paradox as Kantian Antinomy.Christian Onof - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 171-184.
    Book synopsis: Held every five years under the auspices of the Kant-Gesellschaft, the International Kant Congress is the world’s largest philosophy conference devoted to the work and legacy of a single thinker. The five-volume set Kant and Philosophy in a Cosmopolitan Sense contains the proceedings of the Eleventh International Kant Congress, which took place in Pisa in 2010. The proceedings consist of 25 plenary talks and 341 papers selected by a team of international referees from over 700 submissions. The contributions (...)
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  41. Urteil (Judgment).Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2011 - In Petra Kolmer & Arnim G. Wildfeuer (eds.), Neues Handbuch Philosophischer Grundbegriffe. Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 2284-2296.
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  42. Chinese Ways of Words.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2009 - Institut International de Philosophie 5:119-126.
    According to the so-called Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, a language influences the mind of its user. This is more or less trivial, but the problems are in the details. It is difficult to make precise what those influences are, be it in general philosophical or in particular empirical-cultural terms. I will give an account of what I take to be basic aesthetic and grammatical features of the Chinese language compared with what we find in Western languages such as Latin or greek. Then (...)
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  43. Just War, Citizens’ Responsibility, and Public Intellectuals.Christian Nadeau - 2015 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 274 (4):425-438.
    Quelle est la responsabilité des intellectuels en temps de guerre? Cet article entend offrir une analyse de la pensée de Michael Walzer afin de répondre à cette question. Il s’agira d’abord de revenir sur la distinction classique, au sein des théories de la guerre juste, entre combattants et non combattants. Par la suite, il sera possible d’examiner de manière plus exacte la responsabilité des citoyens en temps de guerre, et plus particulièrement des intellectuels.
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  44. A taste for the infinite: What philosophy of biology can tell us about religious belief.Helen De Cruz - 2022 - Zygon 57 (1):161-180.
    According to Friedrich Schleiermacher, religiosity is rooted in feeling (Gefühl). As a result of our engagement with the world, on which we depend and which we can influence, we have both a sense of dependence and of freedom. Schleiermacher speculated that a sense of absolute dependence in reflective beings with self-consciousness (human beings) gave rise to religion. Using insights from contemporary philosophy of biology and cognitive science, I seek to naturalize Schleiermacher's ideas. I moreover show that this naturalization is in (...)
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  45. Bunge y la validez de la adición.Luis Estrada González & Christian Romero-Rodríguez - 2022 - In German Guerrero-Pino (ed.), Ciencia, Realismo y materialismo. Universidad del Valle. pp. 191-202.
    En The paradox of Addition and its dissolution (1969), Mario Bunge presenta algunos argumentos para mostrar que la Regla de Adición puede ocasionar paradojas o problemas semánticos. Posteriormente, Margáin (1972) y Robles (1976) mostraron que las afirmaciones de Bunge son insostenibles, al menos desde el punto de vista de la lógica clásica. Aunque estamos de acuerdo con las críticas de Margáin y Robles, no estamos de acuerdo en el diagnóstico del origen del problema y tampoco con la manera en la (...)
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    La construcción social del orden moral.Christian A. Calderón Torres - 2010 - Revista Académica de la Universidad de Tijuana 1 (Morality):30-42.
    En el presente texto me interesa demostrar que la moral es parte integrante de todo orden social. Lo haré destacando la manera en que los elementos morales de la interacción social están directamente vinculados a los procesos comunicativos de generación de significados, ala vez que determinados por las relaciones de poder entre los sujetos interactuantes. Para efecto de este trabajo entenderé la moral como una especial forma de comunicación que remite a señalamientos de aprecio o desprecio entrelos actores Parto de (...)
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  47. La diferencia ontológica según las maneras del ser en la ontología-fundamental.Christian Ivanoff-Sabogal - 2023 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 28 (1):41-60.
    Esta investigación aborda el tema de la diferencia ontológica desde la perspectiva de las maneras del ser (ser-cómo), uno de los momentos constitutivos de la idea complejo-unitaria del ser. Tema y perspectiva se complementan recíprocamente. Primero, la diferencia ontológica posibilita evidenciar el fenómeno óntico de las maneras de ser del ente y el ontológico de las maneras del ser. Segundo, ambas maneras proveen una palpable visualización sobre los términos de la diferencia ontológica, desbrozando el terreno para distinguir al ser, no (...)
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  48. Kant's Reform of Metaphysics: The Critique of Pure Reason Reconsidered.Karin de Boer - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Scholarly debates on the Critique of Pure Reason have largely been shaped by epistemological questions. Challenging this prevailing trend, Kant's Reform of Metaphysics is the first book-length study to interpret Kant's Critique in view of his efforts to turn Christian Wolff's highly influential metaphysics into a science. Karin de Boer situates Kant's pivotal work in the context of eighteenth-century German philosophy, traces the development of Kant's conception of critique, and offers fresh and in-depth analyses of key parts of the (...)
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  49. Albert Einstein, A.N. Whitehead. Eine kurze Geschichte der Physik.Christian Thomas Kohl - manuscript
    Abstract Die moderne Physik besteht nicht nur aus neuen Entdeckungen und Erfindungen durch die Relativitätstheorie und durch die Quantenphysik. Sie besteht auch aus völlig neuen Sichtweisen und flexiblen Denkweisen von Zusammenhängen und Verschränkungen zwischen den Dingen. Die moderne Physik hat sich von dem Klischee des Schwarz-Weiß-Denkens verabschiedet, für das es nur getrennte Dinge, ohne fließende Übergänge gibt. Solche unbeweglichen, dogmatischen schwarzweißen Denkweisen können wir zurückverfolgen bis zu dem griechischen Philosophen Aristoteles. In der Zeit der Klassischen Mechanik hatten sie einen überwältigenden (...)
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  50. Albert Einstein, Alfred North Whitehead.Christian Thomas Kohl - 2022 - In ALBERT EINSTEIN, ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD. EINE KURZE GESCHICHTE DER PHYSIK. [Neufassung vom 29. Juni 2022]. Zürich: Freie Universität Berlin, Refubium. pp. 150.
    Abstract Die moderne Physik besteht nicht nur aus neuen Entdeckungen und Erfindungen durch die Relativitätstheorie und durch die Quantenphysik. Sie besteht auch aus völlig neuen Sichtweisen und flexiblen Denkweisen von Zusammenhängen und Verschränkungen zwischen den Dingen. Die moderne Physik hat sich von dem Klischee des Schwarz-Weiß-Denkens verabschiedet, für das es nur getrennte Dinge, ohne fließende Übergänge gibt. Solche unbeweglichen, dogmatischen schwarzweißen Denkweisen können wir zurückverfolgen bis zu dem griechischen Philosophen Aristoteles. In der Zeit der Klassischen Mechanik hatten sie einen überwältigenden (...)
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